日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 19(1):105-108;2007 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第19巻 第1号 105~108頁(2007年)
The Utility of a New Breath-stimulating Device That Does Not Require Direct Manipulation by Health Workers during Apnea of Prematurity
獨協医科大学 小児科
Department of Pediatrics, Dokkyo Medical University
新田晃久・渡部功之・鈴村 宏・有阪 治
Akihisa NITTA,Yoshiyuki WATABE,Hiroshi SUZUMURA,Osamu ARISAKA
Key Words:low birth weight infant,apnea of prematurity,breath-stimulating device,neonatal intensive care unit
 We developed and examined the usefulness of a new breath-stimulating device that does not require direct manipulation by health workers during apnea of prematurity. The device, which is small and is wired with a vibrating unit, was fixed to the sole of the infants and was used to stimulate breathing during apnea. We utilized the device in 17 infants with a mean birth weight of 1,031 g(range:781-1,534 g)and a mean gestational age of 27.8 weeks(range:24-30 weeks). The incidence of rapid restart of breathing was 74.0% in these infants. Only one patient who was born at 24 weeks gestation was discontinued from using the device because of sole blistering. Thus, we were able to reduce the necessity for stimulating infants with health workers’ fingers. In conclusion, our device may be helpful in managing apena of prematurity in the neonatal intensive care unit.
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