日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 19(2):245-250;2007 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第19巻 第2号 79~84頁(2007年)
A Study on Neonates Who Had Overlapping Complications of Congenital Heart Disease and Neonatal Surgical Disorder
*1近畿大学医学部奈良病院 小児科,*2同 小児外科
*1 Department of Pediatrics,Nara Hospital,Kinki University School of Medicine, *2 Department of Pediatric Surgery, Nara Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine
扇谷綾子*1・吉澤弘行*1・久保里美*1・吉林宗夫*1・三崎泰志*1・北村則子*1・鎌田航也*1・米倉竹夫*2・小角卓也*2・大割 貢*2・箕輪秀樹*1
Ayako OHGITANI*1,Hiroyuki YOSHIZAWA*1,Satomi KUBO*1,Muneo YOSHIBAYASH I*1, Yasushi MISAKI*1,Noriko KITAMURA*1,Koya KAMADA*1,Takeo YONEKURA*2, Takuya KOSUMI*2,Mitsugu OWARI*2,Hideki MINOWA*1
Key Words:congenital heart disease,congenital surgical disease,long-term hospitalization,family support
 We clinically examined neonates who had overlapping complications of congenital heart disease and neonatal surgical disorder(hereafter to be referred to as neonates with overlapping complications). During a period of 5 years and 6 months between October 1999 and March 2005, 498 neonates were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) of our hospital, 26 of whom were neonates with overlapping complications. Of the 26 neonates, 20(77%)were complicated by chromosomal aberrations and anomaly syndromes and 23(88%)required surgery. Neonates with overlapping complications necessitated sophisticated medical care including perioperative management, and the average length of hospital stay was as long as 170±175 days due to complications which were associated with underlying disease. There were only 4(15%)neonates with overlapping complications who were discharged directly from NICU to home, with 18(69%)who were discharged from the hospital after their transfer to the pediatric ward, 3(12%)who were discharged dead from the hospital, and 1(4%)who moved to another hospital. Many of neonates with overlapping complications present severe disease and require advanced medical care, thus warranting 1)the expeditious multidisciplinary cooperation in parallel with the severity of each neonate's disease, 2)maintenance of facilities which can provide both medical care(including respiratory management after discharge)and habilitation function, 3)and maintenance of a domiciliary care-supporting system.
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