日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 19(2):255-262;2007 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第19巻 第2号 89~96頁(2007年)
福岡大学病院における出生前訪問(prenatal visit)の試み―母親へのアンケートを通して―
Attempt to Conduct Prenatal Visits at Fukuoka University Hospital ―Through a Questionnaire Survey of Mothers’―
*1福岡大学病院 総合周産期母子医療センター 新生児部門,*2同 産科部門,*3福岡大学 小児科
*1Division of Neonatology, Center for Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Fukuoka University Hospital, *2Division of Obstetrics, Center for Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Fukuoka University Hospital, *3Department of Pediatrics, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
森 聡子*1・中村公紀*1・木下竜太郎*1・太田栄治*1・堤 信*1・雪竹 浩*1・瓦林達比古*2・満留昭久*3・廣瀬伸一*3
Toshiko MORI*1,Masatoshi NAKAMURA*1,Ryutarou KINOSHITA*1,Eiji OHTA*1,Makoto TSUTSUMI*1, Ko YUKITAKE*1,Tatsuhiko KAWARABAYASHI*2,Akihisa MITSUDOME*3,Shinichi HIROSE*3
Key Words:Prenatal visit,Family support
 ハイリスク妊娠婦人に新生児部門の医師・看護師による出生前訪問(prenatal visit)を行い,退院後対象となった母親にアンケートを行った。訪問や新生児部門の見学はその後の妊娠継続や出産・育児への意欲維持に有効だった。また父親も同席・見学していた例では,その後夫婦間での気持ちの共有ができ,母親の精神的安定が得られていた事がわかった。一方,訪問により「出産が早まるのでは」と感じる人や出産後の治療を知ることで「罪悪感を感じた」との回答もあり,個別に充分な配慮が必要だと思われた。また回答者の半数以上が心理士や精神科医による精神的サポートシステムの確立を希望していた。
Abstract:We have established a system for prenatal visits for high-risk pregnant women by doctors and nurses from the division of neonatology. According to questionnaires completed by the mother's after their babies' were discharged from the hospital, such prenatal visits and visits to the NICU were found to effectively help these women both safely continue their pregnancy, while also helping them to successfully give birth to healthy babies. Especially, in the case where both parents participated, the mothers could improve their overall mental stability by sharing their feelings with their spouses. On the other hand, some of them worried excessively about the possibility of having a premature birth or their felt guilty about their baby's problems since their understood what kind of treatments would be necessary after birth. In addition more than half of all respondents requested psychiatric care by either psychiatric nurses or doctors. They responded that they wanted us to keep visiting continuously while maintaining the style of individual counseling sessions, and supported the meaning of visits.
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