日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 20(1):110-116;2008 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第20巻 第1号 110~116頁(2008年)
An Investigation of the Outcomes in Adulthood for Very-Low Birth Weight(VLBW)Infants Using a Questionnaire
*1聖隷浜松病院 総合周産期母子医療センター 新生児部門・*2いぬかい小児科
*1 Division of Neonatology,Center for Maternal,Fetal and Neonatal Medicine,Seirei Hamamatsu Hospital, *2 Inukai Pediatrics Clinic
河合里美*1・大木 茂*1・西尾公男*1・上田晶代*1・杉浦 弘*1・白井憲司*1・廣瀬悦子*1・加藤 晋*1・道和百合*1・菊池 新*1・犬飼和久*2
Satomi KAWAI*1,Shigeru OHKI*1,Kimio NISHIO*1,Masayo UEDA*1,Hiroshi SUGIURA*1,Kenji SHIRAI*1 Etsuko HIROSE*1,Shin KATO*1,Yuri DOUWA*1,Shin KIKUCHI*1,Kazuhisa INUKAI*2
Key Words:VLBW,long-term follow-up study,QOL
 To study the long-term health disabilities and the social adaptation of adult, who were very-low birth weight(VLBW)infants at birth. A postal questionnaire was sent to 150 adult at the age of 20-24 years, all of which were born less than 1,500g, and were discharged from our NICU during the period between 1980 and 1984.
 The answered questionnaire was received from 114 patients(76%). Six of them required help for their daily lives(5%), two had auditory disabilities(2%), three had visual disabilities due to retinopathy of prematurely(3%), and eight were on medications for epilepsy or other disease(7%).
 The physical growths of these patients were smaller than the average of their same ages, but their body mass index were within the average for Japanese.
 44% of the males went to college, but in females only 24% went to college.
 However their employment rate reached the national level in Japan being 69% in male and 58% in females. Thus it seems that in low birth weight infant(LBWI), the health disabilities and social adaptation are doing well during their adulthood.
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