日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 20(1):77-83;2008 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第20巻 第1号 77~83頁(2008年)
A 30 Years Review of Neonatal Autopsies in Our NICU
*1日本赤十字社医療センター 新生児科,*2葛飾赤十字産院 小児科
*1 Japanese Red Cross Medical Center,Department of Neonatal Medicine, *2 Japanese Red Cross Katsushika Maternity Hospital, Department of Pediatric Medicine
山本和歌子*1・島 義雄*2・与田仁志*1・中島やよひ*1・遠藤大一*1・矢代健太郎*1・川上 義*1
Wakako YAMAMOTO*1,Yoshio SHIMA*2,Hitoshi YODA*1,Yayohi NAKAJIMA*1, Daiichi ENDO*1,Kentarou YASHIRO*1,Tadashi KAWAKAMI*1
Key Words:autopsy,neonate,NICU
 We reviewed all neonatal autopsy cases in our institute from the view point of diagnostic and therapeutic advances in the field of neonatal medicine.
 Since the establishment of our department, two study periods were divided and compared each other;the first half period(1976-1995)consists of 710 autopsy cases and the second half(1996-2005)of 120 cases.
 The overall autopsy rate was 74.1% in the first half period and 46.5% in the second half, respectively.
 We classified the causes of death into 6 categories;1)Prematurity, 2)Pulmonary maladaption, 3)Asphyxia/birth injury, 4)Congenital anomalies(including chromosomal anomality), 5)Infection, 6)Miscellanous.
 The improved perinatal and neonatal care dramatically decreased the number of deaths from pulmonary maladaption, in the second half period. Instead, infections appeared as a major cause of death because the longer survival chances were given to the premature infants. Congenital anomalies remained the most frequent cause of deaths throughout the study period(46% in the first half period and 50% in the second half, respectively).
 Although newly introduced diagnostic technologies have disclosed many concealed causes of death, they did not contribute to the autopsy rate.
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