日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 20(2):233-240;2008 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第20巻 第2号 41~48頁(2008年)
Sequential Changes of B-type Natriuretic Peptide Using the Rapid Bedside Test in the Evaluation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
*1淀川キリスト教病院 小児科,*2神奈川県立こども医療センター 周産期医療部新生児科
*1 Department of Pediatrics,Yodogawa Christian Hospital, *2 Division of Neonatology,Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center
坂野公彦*1・池上 等*1・津田雅世*1・小向 潤*1・豊 奈々絵*1・和田 浩*1・鍋谷まこと*1・玉井 普*1・船戸正久*1・豊島勝昭*2
Kimihiko BANNO*1,Hitoshi IKEGAMI*1,Masayo TSUDA*1,Jun KOMUKAI*1,Nanae YUTAKA*1, Hiroshi WADA*1,Makoto NABETANI*1,Hiroshi TAMAI*1,Masahisa FUNATO*1,Katsuaki TOYOSHIMA*2
Key Words:BNP,PDA,echocardiography,very low birth weight infant
 目的:極低出生体重児の血中B型ナトリウム利尿ペプチド(B-type natriuretic peptide,以下,BNP)を経時的に測定し,動脈管開存症の診断における有効性について検討する。
 Purpose:To determine age-related concentrations of B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP)in very low birth weight infants using bedside BNP test and correlate it to the evaluation of the patent ductus arteriosus(PDA).
 Methods:The BNP levels were measured in 20 VLBW infants from birth until closure of the PDA. Serial echocardiograms were performed.
 Results:The highest BNP levels were measured within day of life 3. Significant difference in the BNP levels were seen with decreasing grade of PDA(P<0.01). Significant correlations were seen when comparing the BNP levels with some echocardiographic variables , such as end-diastolic left ventricle internal dimension, the ratio of the diastolic/systolic flow velocity of the left pulmonary artery. The high BNP levels were related with hemodynamically significant PDA. However, high BNP levels(>1,000 pg/mL)were also recorded in 2 cases without hemodynamically significant PDA.
 Conclusion:Plasma levels of BNP are important markers that rapidly indicate severity of PDA. Changes in BNP represent not only states of PDA but also other cardiac overloads. Cardiac assessment by the echocardiogram should be performed with the measurement of BNP.
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