日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 21(1):101-107;2009 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第21巻 第1号 101~107頁(2009年)
A Case of Giant Cystic Hygroma with Vasculolymphatic Malformation
*1昭和大学横浜市北部病院 こどもセンター,*2昭和大学横浜市北部病院 産婦人科
*1 Children’s Medical Center, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital , *2 Department of Gynaecology, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital
中野有也*1・藤井隆成*1・栗城亜具里*2・北澤重孝*1・梅田 陽*1
Yuya NAKANO*1,Takanari FUJII*1,Aguri KURIKI*2,Shigetaka KITAZAWA*1,You UMEDA*1
Key Words:lymphangioma,fetal cystic hygroma,vasculolymphatic malformation,Galenic arteriovenous malformation
 We present a case of lymphangioma in a male neonate who was born at 29 weeks of gestation, with a birth weight of 2,624 kg. Fetal ultrasonography performed at 19 weeks of gestation had revealed multiple cystic lesions in the center of the nuchal area, without other major anomalies. Amniocentesis had not revealed any karyotypic abnormalities. Hence, the pregnancy was not terminated. Hydrops fetalis was detected at 28 weeks of gestation, and caesarean section was performed at 29 weeks of gestation. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)performed after birth showed a huge lymphangioma(cystic hygroma with vasculolymphatic malformation).The intratumoral arteriovenous malformations caused the blood from this extracranial tumor to flow directly into the intracranial venous sinus. The clinical course of this condition is identical to that of “extracranial Galenic arteriovenous malformation”.In our case, the vascular malformations played an important role in the progression of hydrops fetalis;hence, vascular malformations and secondary increased volume load may have a prognostic potential in patients with lymphangioma. In addition, it was suggested that fetal MRI would provide significant information for the diagnosis and treatment of cystic hygroma.
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