日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 17(2):225-230;2005 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第17巻 第2号 67~72頁(2005年)
Neurological Examination of Very Low Birth Weight Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Japan; A Questionnaire Analysis
東京女子医科大学 乳児行動発達学講座
Department of Infant’s Brain & Cognitive Development, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
Key Words:neurological examination,VLBW(very low birth weight)infants,NICU(neonatal intensive care unit),brain imaging,prognosis
 Very low birth weight(VLBW)infants have a higher risk of neurological abnormalities. Today, the availability of modern techniques such as brain ultrasonography(US), electroencephalography(EEG)and brain magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)could cause neurological examination to fall from favor as a primary diagnostic tool. We performed a questionnaire survey to examine the use of neurological examination in neonatal intensive care units to identify the role of the procedures in VLBW infants’ care.    
 Members of the Follow-up Study Group for High Risk Infants, a nationwide body in Japan, were asked to complete a questionnaire pertaining to their neurological examination of VLBW. The questionnaire was sent to 364 group members and 123 responses were collected. Nintyseven percent indicated that they used postmenstrual age when assessing neurological findings. The number of observations that were considered applicable increased by age and findings that were considered relevant were combined to assess the neurological status of growing infants. Only 22% of the respondents reported routinely performing structured neurological examinations. Cranial US was performed by 90% of the respondents, MRI by 76%, and EEG by 56%. In the event of an abnormal finding during the initial hospital stay, the examination considered most reliable for predicting the prognosis was MRI. Though neuroimaging has become very helpful for detecting brain injury, neurological examination should still remain as a diagnostic tool in evaluating neurological function and behavioral performance. This is important from the viewpoint of predicting prognosis as well as revealing the developmental process of these infants.
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