日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 21(2): 219-225;2009 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第21巻 第2号 43~49頁(2009年)
TegadermTM Application to Skin Reduces Hypernatremia in Extremely Premature Infants Less Than 25 Weeks Gestation
兵庫県立こども病院周産期医療センター 新生児科
Department of Neonatology, Kobe Children’s Hospital Perinatal Center
溝渕雅巳・柄川 剛・秋田大輔・吉田加奈・上田雅章・坂井仁美・吉形真由美・芳本誠司・中尾秀人
Masami MIZOBUCHI, Tsuyoshi EGAWA, Daisuke AKITA, Kana YOSHIDA, Masaaki UEDA, Hitomi SAKAI, Mayumi YOSHIKATA, Seiji YOSHIMOTO, Hideto NAKAO
Key Words:extremely immature infant,hypernatremia,water balance,TegadermTM
 在胎24週以下の超早産児を対象にポリウレタン・フィルム(テガダームTM:3M Health Care)の皮膚貼付を行い,投与水分量・血清ナトリウム値に対する影響,皮膚および急性期合併症に対する影響を検討した。テガダームは生後早期に児の大部分の皮膚に貼付した。テガダーム皮膚貼付を開始後の25例(テガダーム群)と開始前の24例(対照群)の比較を行った。投与水分量は日齢2~5においてテガダーム群で有意に少なく,血清ナトリウム値は日齢1~2においてテガダーム群で有意に低値であった。高ナトリウム血症の頻度もテガダーム群で有意に少なかった(4% vs. 42%,p<0.01)。皮膚合併症の頻度はテガダーム群で有意に少なかった(12% vs. 50%,p<0.01)。急性期合併症に両群の差を認めなかった。在胎24週以下の児に対するテガダームの皮膚貼付は重篤な合併症なく生後早期の水分負荷を減らし,高ナトリウム血症を減少させた。
 The objective of this study was to access the effect of semipermeable plyurethane membrane (TegadermTM) applied to the skin on fluid and electrolyte balance, skin condition, and the early neonatal outcomes in extremely premature infants born before 25 weeks gestation. A historical case-control study was conducted at a single tertiary center. Tegaderm was applied to large areas of the body shortly after birth in 25 infants (Tegadrem group). Twenty-four controls were recruited form the infants born before the introduction of Tegaderm application. Daily fluid intake was significantly lower in the Tegaderm group between day 2 and day 5. Serum sodiumLevels were significantly lower in the Tegaderm group on day 1 and day 2. The incidence of hypernatremia (>150mEq/L) was significantly lower in the Tegaderm group compared with controls (4% vs. 42%, p<0.01). Skin problems were less frequently observed in the Tegaderm group (12% vs. 50% p<0.01). There was no difference between the two groups on the early neonatal outcomes, including patent ductus arteriosus and intraventricular hemorrhage. Tegaderm application to the skin reduced fluid requirement and the incidence of hypernatremia in the first week of life without serious complications in extremely premature infants born before 25 weeks gestation.
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